This is the first day of the new format of the blog and I wanna start it off with some advice. A reader emailed me, asking me if she should approach a guy she likes and asked for any tips I could give her.
Dear Reader:
I think you should approach the guy. History goes that a man courts the woman, picks the woman up, takes her out and pays for the date. But, it is a new millennium, new century, new year in general. Nowadays, men want to be courted, picked up, taken out, and treated.
Although it is a new time, men dont like women that come on too strong. So, when approaching him, just be easy. Start a small conversation and take it from there.
Do's and Dont's
- Do- Smile alot. Show him you're confident in yourself.
- Do- Listen to what he is talking about. Men like a woman that is attentive.
- Do- Make good body contact. A touch on the arm, an "accidental" touch of hands is always good.
- DONT- Ask him where he works, what kind of car he drives, or anything that will make you look like a golddigger
- DONT- Text someone else while you're talking to him. Its rude and offensive.
- DONT- Offer to go home with him that night. Dont even accept if he asks you to go home with him. Men dont have respect for a woman who give it up quick!
If you follow these steps, Im sure u will have no problem snagging that crush of yours.
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