I personally, have always owned a PC, BUT- I have been ITCHING to get a Mac book recently! My friend has one and I actually got to see some of the features on it and I fell in love!!! One of my favorite features is "i Movie" which uses the built-in camera to record yourself or yourself & someone else (depending on what ur into lol) and u can save and upload it straight to the internet. The disadvantage with a PC with that is, you'd need a web cam (which I was thinking about buying until I saw the Mac book). It seems to me like a Mac book has everything u would ever need and u can take it where ever you go. But, I love my PC!
Here are some other opinions:
"you get the best of both worlds with the new macs. they run windows too. yipee!
and you can't beat the ilife suite of tools. only disadvantage to mac is their word processor. it's a little to basic - sort of like wordpad. i prefer word, exel and powerpoint which btw runs on mac machines too."
"Pc is better because it is more game friendly and it has more options to it and makes it easier for things to get downloaded and stuff like that"
"It completely depends on what you're using the system for but at the moment if you're looking to buy, I'd suggest getting a Mac since you can run both Mac OS10 and Win XP"
"absolutely PC and u don't need more"
What do you guys think?
I've owned both and live in a house there is both, but hands down Mac is way better. The only place where PC wins and that is price. PC is way cheaper but it is a handful of problems so I guess you get what you pay for.
ReplyDeleteI've had my macbook for two weeks now and I love it.